Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Life, and all other things related to such.

Define: My Life- a series of events in which ecta becomes disheartend and invigorated at the same time. Confusing, yes. But things can't get any more worse than they already are-- or can they?

Dictionary definitions probaby don't ask questions, but I suppose mine does. And it sounds vaguely dumb as well.
nix the vaguely. It does sound dumb.

So for the many (2) monthes that IU haven't blogged, I might as well give an explaination as to why I haven't.
Once upon a time, in a house very very far away (I wish) there lived a man with a wife and one daughter. This man happened to have a rather short temper and would respond irrationally to issues that perplexed, baffled, or pissed him off.
One day this charming man was surfing on the home computer (and I should point out that he does indeed have his own laptop) and suddenly... it froze!
dun dun dun...
The man stared at the computer dumbfounded and after a few moments he tapped the monitors side. He became increasingly annoyed at the computers lack of response to his tapping and started to rap upon the poor monitor harder. Every other hit to the screen and foul word would emit from his throat. Finally, he had had enough of this unresponsive computer. He ripped the cords from the wall and took he to the garage where he proceeded to smash the poor thing to bits.

Thus being the reason why I have no computer and must blog my frustrations vicariously through the school computer. Pathetic, no?

"Well ecta.. why don't you just get your own laptop?"
good idea! I'm saving up for one actually so I just have to use this computer until I do get one of my very own.
oh le sigh.

Friday, September 18, 2009

ahhh!!! real monsters (not really)!

So, I currently have no home comp and and sucking from the school one. Will update more later. Toodles!