Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Smell of Cookies is in the air...

Ah yes, I'm going to host a Great American Bake sale! It's for my senior project but none the less, I am rather excited. I don't know when I'll be hosting it (I have yet to be approved by the school). I'm sure I'll get to though. I hardly think cookies could hurt me or cause death.
My techy teacher is going through some crap right now. It's rather depressing and I hope that he'll be ok. People are really over reactive. It's obnoxious.
Anyways! I have been meaning to blog lately but I've caught the I-really-would-rather-not-exist-today bug. And the common cold. All is well though! I'm in a good mood today and that's what counts for the most part! =]

Monday, October 12, 2009

yawning never felt so aggrivating

I disdain the fact of waking up at six in the morning to a cell phone alarm clock and no coffee. Absolutely not a fan of it here. On the bright side.. well no, there is no brightside. It took me for-ev-er to find a bra this morning! It was completely not needed. I ended up with my lepoerd print one though, which makes me giggle. =]
So I don't know why but I keep thinking of Army Guy. I know I shouldn't but I actually can't help it. He's like a parasidic worm in my brain.
le sigh
time to go to class.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy as a penguin playing a banjo

Ahhhh, the sweet sweet feeling of being loved, or liked -a lot-

So where do I start?
I has a boyfriend! Yes, I actually got one that lives in the same town as yours truly and yes, he's pretty much way better than Army guy (who I still think deserves a swift kick to the crotch mind you).
He's a cutie-pa-tutie and I shall call him Adorkable on here. ^^
More later but the librarians are lurking around.