Monday, December 7, 2009

rusty and happy.

SO I understand that I haven't posted in a really really -really- long time and I'm pretty fine with that as I'm sure you are as well. Still no computer but I did break up with Mr.Adorkable who wasn't so adorkable after all but was just kind of a jerk. These things happen.
Oh! I'm talking to The Grammer Nazi again (and he's still really hot)!
Senior year is kind of frustrating. All this homework and college that I need to get prepared for and I'm still narrowly avoiding the teenage drama. How do you do that?! Seriously!?
I understand that Middle school is not your idea of glory days but omg! I'd take like, 1,000 middle school courses over this crap right now. I'll just have to tough it out though, just less than a year and I am a winner.