Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I gotta feelin..

So I'm thinking that I need to change what I write about. It's all really boring and shtoopid. haha, good new word, right? right!
This change is probably going to happen slowly because I find it hard not to write about some things going on in my life. The boring things that sound dumb type of things. AND OMG I feel so bloated right now!!! I've been trying to ween myself off of caffeine but it's so hard. I love my coffee, I really do. Whenever I go to La Villa Espresso I always get what I call the white turtle, which is; white chocolate, coconut, caramel , 2% milk, and two shots of white coffee. It's soooo good! It's even better when it's iced and they put whip cream on the top and drizzle caramel all over it. So yeah, weening myself off of that is going to be horrid.
So I'm working on finding a job. This is no easy feat. It's actually really really hard. I turned in an application to jiffylube and Man who shall not be named told me I wouldn't get the job because I'm hot. Since when did that count against me?! Good lord! You'd think I'd bring in more cars for them to reach their quota for the day! Bahumbug!
and then there's Taco Bell. Sweet, lovely, radiant Taco Bell. I'd be like, a scholar at making tacos if I worked there! I'd be like, the Taco Guru. At least to my family. We're dead in the brain when it comes to making mexican food.
Ok. I'm going to WebMD. This bloated thing needs to be taken care of. Uggghhh!!!

1 comment:

  1. haha nice post! Hope you didn't vomit. I hate vomit. In fact, I don't vomit. There's a sign halfway down my oesophagus that says "Wrong way. Go back" *shrug* it's a control freak issue I have.
    My god, that coffee sounds awesome! The closest I can get to that is Gloria Jean's Caramelatte.
