Thursday, August 13, 2009

Oh for shame.

So, currently, Army Guy is in Las Vegas right now with his ex finace instead of being here with me (like he's supposed to be).

And how, you may ask, did I come to find this out.

Effing facebook. His frigging status. He didn't even tell me at all! Hasn't tried to leave a message or anything.

In all honesty at a very big risk of sounding completely dramatic- I'm really hurt.
I was hoping for a lot out of this relationship. And he even promised not to break my heart while I promised to him that I wouldn't leave him. Le sigh. I didn't see it coming.
The funny thing is that I don't hate him. He took the risk of breaking my heart in order to get the fullest feeling in his, and while it's selfish and sucks nads for me, it's something I probably would've done to him (but I'd let him know about it) if I had the chance to get true love, or a freakin' good f*ck. I don't know what he wanted with his ex in Vegas. I just hope he get's his car tires slashed. and maybe an STD for karma's sake.
The odd thing is is that -he- wanted the relationship with me. For like, ever, he pined over me and practically worshiped the words I said to him. I didn't give a rat's ass how he felt back then. What caught my intrigue about him was that he seemed like a good genuine person. Always talked about how he felt and what he wanted and what he was thinking, and upon finding that, I fell for him. Really hard. I guess I just wan't cool enough for him in the end or something.
The one thing I need to do about this right now is let it go.
So what.
He did that to me, it hurt's, but I'll live through it. I'll pick up the pieces, stitch them back up, and give them to a man that has every chance to hurt it but won't. And he'll do the same for me.
At least I know now that I deserve way better than that. :]
Oh, and by the way, remember Hunky dude?
Yeah, he's not a douche bag, still a grammer nazi (and probably always will be), but not as bad as what I painted him into being.
He's also kinda helping me get over this a bit. Just with smiles.
It's nice to know people care.

So people are jerks. It's really sad how we treat eachother sometimes, but there's good in everyone.
Army Guy is a good guy, just not a smart one per se.
Should I be more mad at him?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Music and the other things floating around in this grey matter of mine,

I've been listening to Andy Mac for quite a bit now and I have to say that he is possibly the best person with an acoustic guitar, ever. He likes, bashes John Mayer across the head with his vocals AND harmonious strumming.
This is all opinion though. I don't really wish bad things to come to John Mayer, just, Andy Mac is SO much better.
Here, I'll even link you to his myspace because I adore him so much. <---- super cool link right there.

Today's been quite the rainy and sleepy day. I like it like this, it makes things even more refreshing. Although the peeps don't really agree. They sit there in their pajamas and watch tv, clicking mindlessly through the the channels as I breeze by, washing the dishes, cleaning the house, with a 100% happy smile on my face. In my pajamas. I don't really count that though, my pajamas are cute and I could go to Wal Mart in them without getting any glares by people who are better than thou (yet they still shop at Wal Mart).

I'm not gonna lie, I've gotten really attached to this HP Touch smart, I'm going to get one someday. I love it. You can like, touch it and it does stuff! It makes me giggle with such immature joy! I even made that little picture at the top right with microsoft paint! The little dudes name is zeep by the way.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

short but to the point. well, whatever point was being made.

I miss home. I miss my cat. I miss my mom. I don't miss my bed. I miss my walks. I lied. I do miss my bed, and my blanket. Gosh, I'm such a baby.

Today I just chilled out with my brother and then skittered off to the mall. I hate the mall. Absolutely hate it. I did buy this really cute shirt at Macy's though. Other than that, I hate the mall.

AAAANNNNDDDD OMG I'm soooo excited! I get to see Mr. Hunky Army Guy next week! It wouldn't bother me if I just fell asleep until that. but whatever.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Spelling, I'm good at- Typo's just suck

So I gotta tell ya, I always read my blog posts after I publish them and figure out "Oh hey, I totally typed that wrong..."
I'm good at spelling, typing, not so much.
Anyways. I'm still in Idaho (only a week left)! Last night was Lisa's birthday party and for it she had it casino royale themed. Which was pretty rockin.
It was a $5 (holla!) buy in at the door and I, being not at all experienced in Texas Hold 'Em, had to just go with the flow and pick it up. It was winner takes all and guess who won? Yeah, me. Not that I'm tooting my own horn here, but it freaking rocked. Some chick got pissed after I cleaned her out and bought in again only to have me clean her out again 10 minutes later. It was pretty cool. I scampered off with $55 dollars and blue hair! Yes, I dyed it AGAIN! and now my nickname is smurf. Whatever.

Change of subject!!!!
A couple monthes back (March to be exact) I got a friend request over Myspace by this guy named Chris. I was like "Who in ze hell are you?" and he replied back saying that he added me thinking I was someone else and asked if we could still be friends. I shrugged it off thinking that he wouldn't talk to me or whatever. I got suspicous and started to snoop out his profile a few days later. Come to find out that he's 29, has two kids, and is divorced. I wouldn't have really had a problem with it but he lied to me. This I know. The only mutual friend that popped up was Kaye (and she's 40 miles away, oh yeah, and she's my sister (well best friend but I'm adopting her). Ok, so, how do I know that he lied to me? He's never met Kayelyn. and it's just gut feeling, I didn't trust the guy. Still don't. Anyways. He started to hit on me and I told him to back off, I wasn't comfortable with him. He backed off for a bit but after a month or so he started up again with the "Honey, baby, sweetheart" sh*t and I told him again "backoff" He didn't oblige and I just blew him off.
While he was talking to me he was also talking my friend Kayelyn up but worse. He was being lude and kept on crossing the line when she told him not to.
So, friday night she texted everyone on the phone she was using to not text her, her grandma is going to have the phone and she won't be there to respond. Chris, being a d*mbass, texts her and says "I can't wait to eat out your p*ssy"

Wrong move sucker.

Nana calls up kayes mom and tells her about the text. Kayelyn, feeling guilty for even talking to him takes the blame.
That very same night I got a message from Chris. This is what it said:
"I'm a friend from school and I'm 18yrs old, My name is chris, And its to save Kaylyne from trouble and me and her never meet. but we have at school."
mother f*cker. Really. I am so pissed right now.
ugh. I can't type. I'll finished this later when I'm not all storm clouds and lightning bolts.