Thursday, August 13, 2009

Oh for shame.

So, currently, Army Guy is in Las Vegas right now with his ex finace instead of being here with me (like he's supposed to be).

And how, you may ask, did I come to find this out.

Effing facebook. His frigging status. He didn't even tell me at all! Hasn't tried to leave a message or anything.

In all honesty at a very big risk of sounding completely dramatic- I'm really hurt.
I was hoping for a lot out of this relationship. And he even promised not to break my heart while I promised to him that I wouldn't leave him. Le sigh. I didn't see it coming.
The funny thing is that I don't hate him. He took the risk of breaking my heart in order to get the fullest feeling in his, and while it's selfish and sucks nads for me, it's something I probably would've done to him (but I'd let him know about it) if I had the chance to get true love, or a freakin' good f*ck. I don't know what he wanted with his ex in Vegas. I just hope he get's his car tires slashed. and maybe an STD for karma's sake.
The odd thing is is that -he- wanted the relationship with me. For like, ever, he pined over me and practically worshiped the words I said to him. I didn't give a rat's ass how he felt back then. What caught my intrigue about him was that he seemed like a good genuine person. Always talked about how he felt and what he wanted and what he was thinking, and upon finding that, I fell for him. Really hard. I guess I just wan't cool enough for him in the end or something.
The one thing I need to do about this right now is let it go.
So what.
He did that to me, it hurt's, but I'll live through it. I'll pick up the pieces, stitch them back up, and give them to a man that has every chance to hurt it but won't. And he'll do the same for me.
At least I know now that I deserve way better than that. :]
Oh, and by the way, remember Hunky dude?
Yeah, he's not a douche bag, still a grammer nazi (and probably always will be), but not as bad as what I painted him into being.
He's also kinda helping me get over this a bit. Just with smiles.
It's nice to know people care.

So people are jerks. It's really sad how we treat eachother sometimes, but there's good in everyone.
Army Guy is a good guy, just not a smart one per se.
Should I be more mad at him?

1 comment:

  1. Nah. It's not worth the effort :) I think you said it all in your second-last line. You shouldn't use vital energy getting mad at someone who is just plain stupid!
