Sunday, August 2, 2009

Spelling, I'm good at- Typo's just suck

So I gotta tell ya, I always read my blog posts after I publish them and figure out "Oh hey, I totally typed that wrong..."
I'm good at spelling, typing, not so much.
Anyways. I'm still in Idaho (only a week left)! Last night was Lisa's birthday party and for it she had it casino royale themed. Which was pretty rockin.
It was a $5 (holla!) buy in at the door and I, being not at all experienced in Texas Hold 'Em, had to just go with the flow and pick it up. It was winner takes all and guess who won? Yeah, me. Not that I'm tooting my own horn here, but it freaking rocked. Some chick got pissed after I cleaned her out and bought in again only to have me clean her out again 10 minutes later. It was pretty cool. I scampered off with $55 dollars and blue hair! Yes, I dyed it AGAIN! and now my nickname is smurf. Whatever.

Change of subject!!!!
A couple monthes back (March to be exact) I got a friend request over Myspace by this guy named Chris. I was like "Who in ze hell are you?" and he replied back saying that he added me thinking I was someone else and asked if we could still be friends. I shrugged it off thinking that he wouldn't talk to me or whatever. I got suspicous and started to snoop out his profile a few days later. Come to find out that he's 29, has two kids, and is divorced. I wouldn't have really had a problem with it but he lied to me. This I know. The only mutual friend that popped up was Kaye (and she's 40 miles away, oh yeah, and she's my sister (well best friend but I'm adopting her). Ok, so, how do I know that he lied to me? He's never met Kayelyn. and it's just gut feeling, I didn't trust the guy. Still don't. Anyways. He started to hit on me and I told him to back off, I wasn't comfortable with him. He backed off for a bit but after a month or so he started up again with the "Honey, baby, sweetheart" sh*t and I told him again "backoff" He didn't oblige and I just blew him off.
While he was talking to me he was also talking my friend Kayelyn up but worse. He was being lude and kept on crossing the line when she told him not to.
So, friday night she texted everyone on the phone she was using to not text her, her grandma is going to have the phone and she won't be there to respond. Chris, being a d*mbass, texts her and says "I can't wait to eat out your p*ssy"

Wrong move sucker.

Nana calls up kayes mom and tells her about the text. Kayelyn, feeling guilty for even talking to him takes the blame.
That very same night I got a message from Chris. This is what it said:
"I'm a friend from school and I'm 18yrs old, My name is chris, And its to save Kaylyne from trouble and me and her never meet. but we have at school."
mother f*cker. Really. I am so pissed right now.
ugh. I can't type. I'll finished this later when I'm not all storm clouds and lightning bolts.


  1. I wonder if he realises you and your friends could take your complaints to the authorities and they could watch his internet/txt activities and be totally done for paedophilia at worst and sexual harrasment of a minor? Such scum.

  2. True that. My sister let him know we could. It just frustrates me though. sigh.
